Hola! Learn Spanish Like You're in the Heart of South America in person or online!

Study with us at Hola Español Language School in West Haven, Connecticut to learn Spanish as a Second Language, for the Workplace or Academics. We also teach Guarani, the native language of Paraguay.

Meet Gloria Ruiz, M.Ed.

Gloria is the owner and head language teacher at Hola Español (Hello Spanish).

She was born, raised, and educated in the heart of South America (Paraguay) but currently resides in West Haven, Connecticut.

Gloria holds 16 years of professional experience teaching Spanish & Guarani to hundreds of students from across the globe, beginning in Paraguay in 2009 and in the United States since 2015.

Welcome to Hola Español!

Gloria and her team look forward to teaching you via our exclusive learning programs; Spanish (A1 to C2) and Guarani (1-3).

Created and copyrighted by Gloria, each program includes structured lessons and texts, interactive audio lessons, and visual PowerPoint slides.

Whether you're starting from the beginning or seeking to improve your language skills from our home office or online, Hola Español is the choice for you!

Hola Español textbook with audio lessons
Hola Español textbook with audio lessons